Before Implementing this create a custom object and the fields with number data type.
Create one more (Master-detail)(Account-Custom object) relationship.
Vf page:
<apex:page StandardController="Account" extensions="CustomClass" tabStyle="Account">
<script src=""></script>
<script src="{!URLFOR($Resource.jquery_vfFloatingHeaders)}"></script>
width: 100%;
overflow: auto;
$(document).ready(function() {
<apex:pageblock mode="maindetail">
<div class="bPageBlock brandSecondaryBrd apexDefaultPageBlock secondaryPalette">
<div class="pbBody" >
<div class="tableContainer" >
<table class="list floatingHeaderTable">
<thead class="rich-table-thead" >
<tr class="headerRow">
<apex:outputText value="No Records To Display" rendered="{!if(records.size == 0,'true','false')}"></apex:outputText>
<!-- Table for displaying field label -->
<apex:repeat rendered="{!(records.size != 0)}" value="{!fields}" var="f">
<th style="text-align:{!if(f.Label = 'Product Code','left' , 'Right')};width:{!if(f.Label = 'Product Code','150px' , '')};" class="headerRow floatingStyle" scope="col">
<apex:repeat value="{!records}" var="item">
<!-- ListRow -->
<tr class="dataRow even first">
<apex:repeat value="{!vfFields}" var="itm">
<td align="{!if(itm = 'CustomObject__c(Roll up) Field', 'left', 'right')}" class=" zen-deemphasize" scope="col">
<apex:outputtext rendered="{!item[itm] != null && itm = 'CustomObject__c(Roll up) Field'}" value="{!item[itm]}"/>
<apex:outputtext rendered="{!item[itm] != null && itm != 'CustomObject__c(Roll up) Field'}" value="{0, number,###,###,###,##0.00}">
<apex:param value="{!item[itm]}"/>
<apex:outputtext rendered="{!if(itm = 'CustomObject__c(Roll up) Field' && item[itm] == null, True, False)}" value="Total" style="font-weight:900;"/>
Create one more (Master-detail)(Account-Custom object) relationship.
Vf page:
<apex:page StandardController="Account" extensions="CustomClass" tabStyle="Account">
Apex Controller:
//Custom Object and Account should have master-detail Relationship
public class CustomClass {
public Account account {get; set;}
//List to hold Custom Object records
public List<AggregateResult> records{get; set;}
//List to hold fields
public List<Schema.FieldSetMember> fields{get; set;}
public List<String> vfFields {get; set;}
//Standard Controller
public CustomClass (ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
//Get record
account = (Account)controller.getRecord();
//Memory allocation
records = new List<AggregateResult>();
//Method calling
//This method is to get related fund data for Account record.
public void funds() {
String fieldvalue='';
String namespaceval = '';
Integer namespaceLength = 0;
LIST<ApexClass> namespaceprefix=[SELECT NamespacePrefix FROM ApexClass WHERE Name = 'CustomObject__c'];
namespaceval = namespaceprefix[0].NamespacePrefix + '__';
namespaceLength = namespaceval.length();
//populate the list with the fields
fields = Schema.SObjectType.CustomObject__c.fieldSets.FieldSetName.getFields();
// In visualforcepages the alias should not be more than 25 characters, So do concatenate .
for(Schema.FieldSetMember f:fields){
fieldvalue +=f.getFieldPath().subString(namespaceLength) + ',';
if(f.getType() != Schema.DisplayType.String){
fieldvalue +=f.getFieldPath().subString(0,f.getFieldPath().length()-3)+',';
fieldvalue +=f.getFieldPath()+',';
fieldvalue = fieldvalue.removeEnd(',');
records = getResultById(account.Id , fields);
public List<AggregateResult> getResultById(Id entityId , List<Schema.FieldSetMember> fields) {
//String to hold soql string
System.debug(entityId );
String query = 'SELECT ';
String querywhere = ' ';
String namespaceval = ' ';
Integer namespaceLength = 0;
LIST<ApexClass> namespaceprefix=[SELECT NamespacePrefix FROM ApexClass WHERE Name = 'CustomObject__c'];
namespaceval = namespaceprefix[0].NamespacePrefix + '__';
namespaceLength = namespaceval.length();
//loop through fields
for(Schema.FieldSetMember f : fields) {
if(f.getType() != Schema.DisplayType.String)
query += 'sum('+ f.getFieldPath() + ') ' + f.getFieldPath().subString(namespaceLength) + ', ';
querywhere += 'or (' + f.getFieldPath() + ' != null) ';
query += f.getFieldPath() + ' ' + f.getFieldPath().subString(namespaceLength) + ', ';
query = query.removeEnd(', ');
query += ' FROM '+ namespaceval + 'CustomObject__c WHERE Account(Master-Detail Field) =: entityId';
querywhere = querywhere.replaceFirst('or', 'and (');
query += querywhere + ')';
query += ' group by rollup ('+ namespaceval + 'CustomField__c)';
List<AggregateResult> lstfundSummary = Database.query(query);
System.debug('\n lstfundSummary'+lstfundSummary);
return lstfundSummary;
//Custom Object and Account should have master-detail Relationship
public class CustomClass {
public Account account {get; set;}
//List to hold Custom Object records
public List<AggregateResult> records{get; set;}
//List to hold fields
public List<Schema.FieldSetMember> fields{get; set;}
public List<String> vfFields {get; set;}
//Standard Controller
public CustomClass (ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
//Get record
account = (Account)controller.getRecord();
//Memory allocation
records = new List<AggregateResult>();
//Method calling
//This method is to get related fund data for Account record.
public void funds() {
String fieldvalue='';
String namespaceval = '';
Integer namespaceLength = 0;
LIST<ApexClass> namespaceprefix=[SELECT NamespacePrefix FROM ApexClass WHERE Name = 'CustomObject__c'];
namespaceval = namespaceprefix[0].NamespacePrefix + '__';
namespaceLength = namespaceval.length();
//populate the list with the fields
fields = Schema.SObjectType.CustomObject__c.fieldSets.FieldSetName.getFields();
// In visualforcepages the alias should not be more than 25 characters, So do concatenate .
for(Schema.FieldSetMember f:fields){
fieldvalue +=f.getFieldPath().subString(namespaceLength) + ',';
if(f.getType() != Schema.DisplayType.String){
fieldvalue +=f.getFieldPath().subString(0,f.getFieldPath().length()-3)+',';
fieldvalue +=f.getFieldPath()+',';
fieldvalue = fieldvalue.removeEnd(',');
records = getResultById(account.Id , fields);
public List<AggregateResult> getResultById(Id entityId , List<Schema.FieldSetMember> fields) {
//String to hold soql string
System.debug(entityId );
String query = 'SELECT ';
String querywhere = ' ';
String namespaceval = ' ';
Integer namespaceLength = 0;
LIST<ApexClass> namespaceprefix=[SELECT NamespacePrefix FROM ApexClass WHERE Name = 'CustomObject__c'];
namespaceval = namespaceprefix[0].NamespacePrefix + '__';
namespaceLength = namespaceval.length();
//loop through fields
for(Schema.FieldSetMember f : fields) {
if(f.getType() != Schema.DisplayType.String)
query += 'sum('+ f.getFieldPath() + ') ' + f.getFieldPath().subString(namespaceLength) + ', ';
querywhere += 'or (' + f.getFieldPath() + ' != null) ';
query += f.getFieldPath() + ' ' + f.getFieldPath().subString(namespaceLength) + ', ';
query = query.removeEnd(', ');
query += ' FROM '+ namespaceval + 'CustomObject__c WHERE Account(Master-Detail Field) =: entityId';
querywhere = querywhere.replaceFirst('or', 'and (');
query += querywhere + ')';
query += ' group by rollup ('+ namespaceval + 'CustomField__c)';
List<AggregateResult> lstfundSummary = Database.query(query);
System.debug('\n lstfundSummary'+lstfundSummary);
return lstfundSummary;